The Creationist Theory: A continuation of the origin of language Saying apes can acquire language because they can learn some simple signs … is like saying humans can fly because they can jump” – Noam Chomsky (Horgan, J., Profile of Chomsky, Scientific American , 262 (5):17, 1990) The real reason why people deny that the different languages were created by God, is so that they can use bad language. After all, if language is not God-given, there are no objective standards and anything goes” Paul Braterman stated as he defends the reality of God being the originator of language. ( ). The creationist theory holds that God created language as well as the world. It believes that man from onset was created with the ability to speak. This is because beyond just a creationist, God was also a speaking being (Genesis 1:3; Genesis 2:18), who spoke everything into existence (Genesis 1...
Welcome to your Number one Plug on LANGUAGE MATTERS. Here we deal with every Language related issues from Language Acquisition to Development and sustainability. We mitigate solutions to language disorders, Communication disorders, speech disorders and learning disorders. We conduct professional trainings for schools, companies and organizations on Language/Communication related issues especially creating indigenous language communication strategy for better profit, output and outcome.