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Showing posts from March, 2024

Linguist Egbilika Calls For Adoption, Acceptance, Recognition of Endoglossophobia

A Port Harcourt based Linguist and Indigenous Language Advocate, Mr. Josiah Egbilika has called for the adoption, acceptance and recognition of the word, ‘Endoglossophobia’, and its inclusion in the next production of various dictionaries online or hardcopies. Speaking in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital on Wednesday, Mr. Egbilika stated that ‘Endoglossophobia’ is not just a word, but a real-life situation which if not handled can result in the extinction of indigenous languages. Noting that the situation is not only common in Nigeria or Africa but global, the Linguist enjoined that it be given the attention it deserves. By way of definition, Egbilika who holds a Master of Arts Degree in Linguistics, defined Endoglossophobia as the feeling of unease, apprehension, worry, irritation or nervousness experienced in learning or using either in speech or writing, one’s indigenous language or dialect. The indigenous language advocate, who stated that Endoglossophobia, simply put is the...

International Women's Day: Women All Over The World Tasked To Champion Campaign On The Development Of Indigenous Languages

By Josiah Chijindu Egbilika In commemorating the international women's day celebrated March 8 every year, a Nigerian Linguist and Indigenous Language Advocate, Josiah Egbilika has tasked women all over the world to be at the forefront of campaign for the development and sustenance of Indigenous Languages. With this year's theme, invest in women: Accelerate progress which focuses on diversity and empowerment, Mr. Egbilika stated that one of the ways women's progress acceleration can be said to be holistic is when their identity is not lost and if language is lost, no matter the amount of  empowerment, there will still be a missing gap. Josiah Chijindu Egbilika,  Linguist and Indigenous Language Advocate  The Indigenous Language Advocate urged women to begin the language campaign by carrying out sensitization and encouraging the continuous speaking of their languages in their every day activities including to their children and wards. Mr Egbilika appreciated the fact that w...